Chapter One :Chapter 1


  Fuckin assholes. Boring weddings. Over excited guests. Grinning groom. Happy Bride.

  Everything is too bright for me and I hate it so freakin much.

  I wouldn't have attended this stupid wedding if it ain't for dad.

  Said its culture for all Cooper's to be present during a Coopers wedding.

  Like seriously, who does that?

  Vince was standing at the alter waiting patiently for his bride and grinning like the bastard he is. Asshole.

  I don't really like him. He's my third brother but I hate his behaviour.

  Always acting like he's the best in the family's business just so he can find favour from the old man.

  Faint music played on as the bride walked down the aisle with her father by her side.

  She's so dumb. I mean why would any lady want to get married when there's so much to do. So much fun to catch along with. Clubbing. Gambling.

  I don't get it at all.

  The bride was in her white spotless gown which obviously swept the floor and she had a huge grin on her face just like my fuckin asshole of a brother.

  Those two seems to really love each other so much. I don't even think that shit exist in my world.

  I groaned as they started taking their lame vows.

  My phone pinged in my purse and I pulled it out.

  It's Nicole.

  FROM COLE : You wanna get out of this party? They're boring me with their lame vows, I feel like I'm gonna die soon cause of their sick love act.

  I chuckled and looked above my shoulder to face down and her pink hair came in view as my best friend waved at me.

  TO COLE : Hey! That's my brother we're talking about. Even though he can be a dick sometimes, no one talks to a Cooper like that. And yes, I wanna get out of here but trust me Lucifer will kill me if I move a inch before they finished the main thing.

  I bit my lower lip as I clicked on send and dropped my phone back inside my purse.

  When will this shit be over? I'm dying over here.

  "You may now kiss your bride. "

  The priest said and I breathed out a sigh of relief as Vince kissed his fuckin bride and everyone stood up to clap for them.

  I jumped off my seat and walked straight to my dad. Silas Cooper otherwise known as LUCIFER.

  The armed guards made way for me as I walked up to him.

  "I'm off. "

  I whispered and he turned to me, frowning.

  "You've to wait for the main party. It's not over yet. "

  He ordered and I groaned.

  "But Sir, I already listened to their lame vows. What's next? "

  I groaned. My dad's number one rule.

  Never call him father when it isn't at home.

  Before dad could talk, we heard shootings and chattering. I turned back and watched some men forced their way in and shoot our men.

  Seriously? Who would dare to ruin a cooper's wedding?

  "Well, if it ain't the infamous Cooper's.. "

  He uttered sarcastically walking in with his dumb guards behind him.

  I turned back to father and he didn't even bother to stand. Seems he already knows who it is.

  His name is William James but they call him scorpion ,I call him dumb ass cause he really is dumb.

  Last week, He tried to make father work with him over a Chinese deal but father made it clear to him that he's a one man army. That seems to send the dumb ass off the cliff and since last week, he has been on our neck.

  I may not be into the family's business but I know everything that's happening.

  And I think this man don't know who Lucifer is cause when father is ready for him, he's so gonna regret ever trying to make that deal.

  "William, I suggest you take your sheeps and leave this place before you start a war you can't finish. "

  Mason, my second elder brother stepped out and I smiled.

  "I'm not here to talk to you child. I'm here to have a word with your bastard of a father. "

  Boom! And Cassandra's fist already collided with his face.

  "How bout I show you how a bastard behaves? "

  She smirked stepping up beside Mason.

  Cassandra is my first sister, the first daughter of the family and the fifth born.

  Cassandra is my most favorite. She's crazy, like literally crazy and she loves dad a lot.

  The Cooper are twelve in number including our parents and my brother's wife.

  We all live together in dad's biggest mansion.

  Dad's second rule. A Cooper never lives alone.

  I've four brothers and two sisters which means I'm the seventh born of the family and the last.

  My father and mother making us nine.

  Ryan, my First brother is married, same goes to Mason, the second.

  Their wives made us eleven in number but then Vince's bride is gonna add to the Cooper which means we've twelve Cooper's.

  "I changed my mind. You can leave. "

  Dad uttered and I smiled happily before moving out of the hall, leaving them to handle business.

  I hopped into my car and changed my dress into something less classy before Nicole joined me in the car and we hit the road.

  We arrived at TARGET which is the best club in New York here.

  I pulled at the lot and jumped out of the car.

  I was allowed in immediately and about to walk to my favourite booth but then one jerk thought it was okay to just smack my ass.

  I breathed in and turned back to be faced with four creepy guys.

  I smirked and folded my arms against my chest.

  "Nice ass you've got there. "

  One with black hair winked and proceeded to touch me but I grabbed his hand and snapped his fingers off as he groaned in pain.

  "That's for ever using your filthy hand to touch me. "

  I muttered calmly as the other three tried to attack me but I punched one in the face, slammed the other head on the table and before I could take out the third one. He was already down groaning.

  I looked up at who could have helped me when I was having fun and my eyes met with his dark ones.

  He has a dark brown hair. Black shirt. Black trousers. Black jacket. Black boot.

  I'm not easily convinced but I must admit, he's hot.

  "I didn't ask for your help. "

  I uttered, gritting my teeth together.

  "But you got it. And I believe the next thing you're supposed to say is thank you."

  He smiled and I smirked.

  "I only say thank you to people who deserve it. You took out one man and you're feeling on top of the world already. Go find something better to do with your life buddy "

  I smirked and I watched his jaw clenched.

  "You're really rude for someone who just received my help. Who the hell do you think you are. "

  He snapped and my smirk grew harder.

  "Ask your father. He knows.. "

  I winked and walked away.

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